Praise for My Own Name Seems Strange to Me
“I’ve been waiting for years for Karen Whalley’s second collection to be published. These beautifully clear, meditative poems have it all; dexterously situated in daily experience, they meet with the difficulties of lived life, over and over with a deep, often heartbreakingly honest and humane insightfulness. Fluent, full of breakthroughs and surprises, these extraordinary poems never seem to falter; Whalley is an extraordinary poet, and this is a book in a thousand.”
About the Author
Karen Whalley is the author of The Rented Violin (Ausable Press). She is a graduate of Warren Wilson MFA Program for Writers, and recipient of the Rona Jaffe Award for Poetry. Her poems have appeared in The Sun Magazine, American Poetry Review, Mississippi Review, Florida Review, and other journals. She lives in Port Angeles, Washington.