Praise for Finestra’s Window

Patricia Corbus is a brilliant, virtuoso poet. Her rich linguistic palette channels an adventurous and fabular intelligence that reminds us of poets like Stevens, Ruefle and Ashbery. Finestra’s Window is a collection full of mortal daring and formal bravado. Corbus’s work amazes and delights me, as it will any reader of poetry.
— Tony Hoagland, author of Application for Release from the Dream
In language that is both accessible and vivid, Patricia Corbus’s Finestra’s Window vigorously leaps between myth, fantasy, the past, and the very present, mortal, human world. This is a very exciting and distinctive new book.
— Lynn Emanuel, author of The Nerve of It: Poems New and Selected

About the Author

Patricia Corbus lives in Sarasota, Florida, where she grew up in her parents’ shell shop, The Nautilus. She graduated from Agnes Scott College, holds a Master’s degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an MFA at the Warren Wilson Program for Writers. She has loved poetry for as long as she can remember.

Finestra’s Window / Patricia Corbus