Ioanna Carlsen’s poems and stories have appeared in Agni, Poetry, Field, Alaska Quarterly Review, Hudson Review, Prairie Schooner, Ploughshares, Beloit Poetry Journal, Poetry Daily, and Glimmer Train, among others. In 2002, she won Glimmer Train Poetry Open, and in 2015, her collection The Whisperer won second place in the New Mexico Press Women’s Book Contest.
“Carlsen’s poems are like that shimmer glimpsed up ahead on the highway that we never quite reach, but that keeps drawing us forward.””
“the way the poet proceeds as just another human, always leaving room for the thoughts & feelings of other humans breathing alongside her.””
In this astounding second collection, Ioanna Carlsen presents us with visions of breath, both ecstatic and mundane—at once spoken, quoted, and listened for—examining the air shared by all. It is breathing that connects us, the poet knows, and she crosses dimensional and existential bounds to prove this connection.